We offer CAD/CAM, Digital Dentistry and 3D Imaging.

Can Invisalign Pull Off A Crown?

Wondering if you can get Invisalign treatment if you have a crown?

Millions of Americans have at least one dental crown, a commonly placed dental restoration that helps to protect and preserve a weak or damaged tooth. Of course, if you have a dental crown you may be wondering if you can still benefit from turning to our Rockville Centre, NY, dentist Dr. Paul Cosgrove at Cosgrove Dental for Invisalign, or if your crown might get in the way.

Can I still get Invisalign with crowns?

The short answer is “yes”. You can have one or more crowns and still get Invisalign from our Rockville Centre, NY, dental team. Since crowns are cemented in place over a tooth, the tooth can still easily be shifted around with Invisalign aligners without impacting the health or function of the crown. When we take impressions of your mouth we will need to take impressions of the crown so that your aligners accommodate the fit of your crown, as well.

Since aligners are removable and made from transparent thermoplastic that is flexible and smoothed at the edges, this means that aligners will not be bonded to your crown and won’t damage the crown in any way. If you have crowns on your molars, our dentists may need to place Invisalign buttons, which are small transparent hooks that attach directly to the tooth or crown to hold your aligners in place.

Does Invisalign work with other restorations?

Along with crowns, patients who have dental veneers may also be great candidates for Invisalign. The only restoration that won’t work with Invisalign is dental implants because they are embedded into the jawbone so they can’t be moved. In this case, you may wish to speak with our dental team about getting orthodontic treatment before placing a dental implant or to discuss other tooth replacement options that would work better with Invisalign.

If you have a dental crown or any dental work, you may wish to talk to our Rockville Centre, NY, dentist Dr. Cosgrove about whether Invisalign is right for you. To schedule a consultation to learn more about Invisalign, call Cosgrove Dental today at (516) 208-8174.

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